
We can all feel it in the air, that subtle change that brings with it a crisper breeze, bluer sky, and just a little change in the angle of the sun’s light. Whether you love autumn’s energy and embrace the change, or long for summer as she passes—fall is upon us! Chinese medicine, in its ancient wisdom, respects all the seasons and provides us a way to embrace them and flourish by using the qualities they bring to all of us.

In the transition from summer to fall, the energy of the earth and all its living creatures begins to transition too—from the expansive, heated, outward-focused energy of summer to the introspective, cooler, inward-focused energy of fall. Autumn brings us from the “Yang” of summer to the first “Yin” season of the cooler months.

In Chinese medicine, autumn represents the element metal, whose properties contain the ability to organize, make order, communicate, set boundaries, and harvest the fruits of summer projects. It is a wonderful time of year for a “fresh start” feeling. So, harvest that feeling and embrace what this beautiful season can bring to you!

Harmonize your environment:

In order to stay well during this transition season, we need to take care of ourselves in a way that will harmonize our health with the changing weather. Protect yourself from those sharp, sudden autumn winds—carry a scarf and jacket in the car with you so you can have it if the temperature drops suddenly. According to Chinese Medicine, our “wind gate” is located just at the nape of the neck and is an entry point for what they refer to as “pathogenic influences” (colds, flu, etc)—keep that vulnerable part of your “energy anatomy” protected. Pay attention to how temperature is affecting you, and if you feel chilled make it a point to warm up! Take care to keep your feet warm, and avoid times when your bare feet rest on cold floors around the home. The bottom of the feet are the location of K1, and we can either gain or lose energy there depending on how we care for ourselves.

Harmonize your food:

Autumn’s harvest is nature’s perfect solution to harmonizing our health during this time of year. As summer ends and we transition into fall, add some beautiful yellow and orange vegetables into your diet to gather the last of the sun’s yang energy into your cells before cooler temperatures settle. Focus on beginning to eat more root vegetables (those that grow below ground), and begin to transition from summer salads (cool in energy) to soups and cooked vegetables (warm in energy). This will allow you to keep your “wei qi” strong by keeping your digestive system strong. Our “wei qi” circulates just between the skin and muscles in our body, is created and maintained by the Lung energy, and works as an important part of our immune system.

Harmonize your movement:

Qi Gong, the oldest form of Chinese breath & movement exercise, was the “mother” of Tai Chi. The Chinese have been using Qi Gong for centuries to balance their energy and protect themselves from external disruptions and disease as well as internal disharmony. At this time of year, it would be ideal to strengthen your lung energy through a simple Qi Gong practice. Click here to see a brief demonstration of a simple Qi Gong movement that you can practice daily to keep your energy up and your health strong during this time of year.

–Roye Evans, Holistic Nurse & Licensed Acupuncturist